Our Mission statement
To make a difference to the life of our Service Users.
Our Motto
To enable our Service Users to pursue active and fulfilling lives, gain increased independence and achieve equal rights as citizens.
Our Vision
To provide high quality services to our Service Users.
Our Values
Open and Honest
Person-Centered Planning
At Sunlight Homecare Services Ltd we embody the philosophy of person-centred planning into everything we do, tailoring our approach to meet the wishes of our Service Users.
Leadership and Management
CQC Regulation 17: Good Governance:
In meeting CQC Regulation 17, Good Governance, Sunlight Homecare Services Ltd have put in place systems and processes hat ensures that we are able to meet other re requirements in this part of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 Regulated Activities) Regulations 2014 (Regulations 4 to 20A). To meet this CQC egulation, we do ndeavour to have efective governance, ncluding Quality Assurance and Auditing Systems or Processes. Currently we have hired the QCS Company to provide us with a system to assess, monitor and drive improvement in the quality and safety of the services that we provide, including the Quality Assessments from the view of our service users. The systems and processes also assess, monitor and mitigate any risks related to the health, safety and welfare of our service users and others. We continually evaluate and seek to improve our governance and auditing practices.
Privacy and Confidentiality
Our Service users are always treated with respect and consideration given to their needs around privacy. We are sensitive to the nature of the services we provide.
Greater Service User Involvements & Consultations
All our service users are involved in their decision-making processes of how their services are delivered, including all the daily routines within the homes they live in.