Supported Living

Sunlight Homecare Services Ltd is dedicated to supporting people with learning disabilities to live the lives that they want to live. We Support our Service Users to live in their own home, providing opportunities to make new friends or go back into work and we aim to ensure that those we support do live life to its fullest. At Sunlight Homecare Services Ltd, we want all our Service Users to have support that is right for them. The kind of Support depends on individual circumstances. We give some people lots of support every day and at night whilst others are supported for only a few hours a week. Each of our Service Users have the right to expect excellent standards of support and we make sure our staff team will support individuals to match their needs and interests. Supported Living Accommodation is currently our main area of support and we are committed to offering this model to people with learning disabilities and in the future, we are going to look into running residential care homes.
Service Users living in their own home
Our Service Users live in their own home. We call this supported living. In this kind of support, the Service Users may be tenants or own their property. Depending on the needs of the individual, this support varies from a few hours a week to 24-7 support for individuals with complex needs. Some of those living in their own homes share support, while others have individual support. With supported living, people have greater choice over many aspects of their lives like:
1. They usually choose who lives with them, who comes into their home and who supports them.
2. They have more security of tenure.
3. They have their own keys.
4. They pay bills and buy their own food and other items.
5. They are supported to be good tenants.
6. They choose to shop and cook on their own or as a group.

With our Supported Living Accommodation, our Service Users live in their own home. Our staff don’t have an office or other dedicated space in the property, except where overnight sleep-ins are part of their Support. In these and other ways, supported living is different from registered care homes. We Support individuals to move into their own home from hospitals or Care/Residential homes. In this way they will flourish with the change and become more active in their local community. At Sunlight Homecare Services Ltd, we aim for everyone in our Supported Living Accommodation to follow their aspirations, develop their skills, find work if they want to and be as independent and self-supporting as they can. Therefore we believe that our Supported living Model and Approach gives our Service Users more rights, choices and control